Job Loss At the Heart Of It All: New York City Fur Ban #JobsMatter

The notion of “total bans” seem to be the easy and reckless go-to solution for animal extremist organizations that lack imagination, nuanced compassion, or a total understanding of an industry that built America… the fur trade. And, the proposed New York City fur ban is just the latest evidence of this lack of human compassion that exists at the heart of it all…. it’s a war on small business!
New York City Fur Ban : The Truth Behind the Fight
In a heartfelt and deeply personal, op-ed piece in yesterday’s New York Post newspaper, a young fourth generation New York City fur manufacturer talks about what a fur ban will mean for her, her family’s legacy and the hundreds of New York family’s they provide a livelihood for. Let’s face it total legislative bans on legal products are usually a lazy out to complicated issues in politics that require reflective thought, fair compromises and bold and sound leadership. Surely, representative Corey Johnson, his fellow New York City councilmen/women, and Mayor Bill de Blasio don’t want to gut a venerated industry and obliterate so many working class jobs in the city of dreams… NYC!
Read the full article here, and help spread the word of opposition on social media by sharing this story and using the #hashtags: #NoFurBan #jobsmatter #furnyc (Follow the caps too). Let the powers that be hear your too! You can tag @NYCCouncil and @NYCSpeakerCoJo